Usually this job done by SAP Basis and in case you are the SAP basis and just to get to know the job here the step to transport the TR.
1. Must have the TR number released by developer and know to which system need to transport.
Below is example message from developer.
Note: The yellow highlight is the important thing.
2. Copy the TR number and go to the system that it need to be transport. in this case is QAT500.
3. Login and make sure the password is not wrong no more than 3 times else it will be locked. Then it will be hard to ask other basis team to unlock for you.
Type QAT at the SAP Logon.
Type QAT system in the filter box and in case the result appear many system, just make sure the SID is QAT.
Double click at the QAT and login.
Usually testing environment will not ask to change password every month for my workplace. So we are using the same pw since beginning of time.
Next, type Tcode STMS and enter.
4. Click at the lorry truck.
5. Double click at the system in this case QAT
6. Then refresh. Ctrl+F and paste the TR number that you copied just now. Enter.
Note: Make sure the higlighted box is untick else may not find the TR.
7. Double click on the TR.
8. Then , press truck icon.
9. Next, ok for everything and transport.
10. Click yes and it will transport.
Note: Tick the first four if the TR is retransported.
11. Keep refresh until it change icon.
12. go to the logs (Ctrl + F4) to double check if TR finish transport.
Thats all to transport and lastly dont forget to message back the owner said that the TR already transported or moved to QAT.
Thanks for reading, hope it helps!